Sophia Mattis
Published Writer

New Release
30 Days of Gratitude Winter Edition (2023)
A Devotional + Journal
Prepare to be blessed!
In the Winter Edition of 30 Days of Gratitude Use Your Words to Change Your Life, you’ll continue to experience the hand of GOD move in your life. Dedicate a solid 30 days of simply giving GOD gratitude and witness the love of GOD. Build your faith, become filled with joy, and walk in freedom when you take a sabbatical from asking GOD for things. When GOD calls this winter, answer. Your response will change your life! The information in this collection supports “all things winter,” meaning they focus on things pertaining to the winter season. These winter tidbits and their association with the winter months that you may be familiar with, cover the cool weather season. You’ll marvel at the benefits of some; others will astound you, while some will add to your knowledge. From fun things like recipes to the benefits of some of the ingredients in those recipes to interesting science backed information on common health matters, this book is a must have for your collection. With scriptures dispersed throughout, 30 Days of Gratitude Use Your Words to Change Your Life – Winter Edition is definitely a book to add to your cold weather arsenal.
This is not just a book that is anointed and insightful but there is an entire movement that goes with it that will transform your life , mindset and way of thinking! There is a FB page called Seasons of Gratitude and a support group that walks with you along this journey. There are Saturday evening fireside chats where testimonies are shared about how God is using this movement to make a difference. And Sophie leads this movement by example with an unmatched sweetness! Your life will be forever changed
Praise & Reviews
This book was a blessing, it was God send!! The author is phenomenal! She shared her personal 30 day journey which was awesome! The book has daily scripture, gives you space to write, reflect, pray, be grateful , & thankful to God for your day! This book helped me to focus, be more disciplined, be more in a place of gratefulness, and get in a habit of thanking God more instead of always asking! I highly recommended this book, it blessed my life & I'm sure it will bless yours as well!
"God sent blessing!"
Prophetess Schelita Wesley
This book is a must read! Just giving thanks & spending time instead of petitioning opened up continuous, daily & ongoing supernatural blessings! God moved in such a way that I was in awe daily. Things that we consider no big deal, I'm grateful for. Ongoing financial breakthroughs and not to mention healing miracle’s from God!! I’ll continue to take 30 days out each month to show my Heavenly Father my GRATITUDE!
Dr. Mattis, most certainly wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I was certainly blessed!
"Dr. Mattis definitely wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit." Minster Dorla Walker
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About Sophia Mattis
Serving as an interim radio co-host, guest minister/speaker at multiple venues, Dr. SOPHIA MATTIS’ voice has been heard worldwide. She is a devout Christian of Jamaican descent. As a physician, motivational speaker, author, and lecturer residing in Long Island, New York, holding degrees in Medicine, Health Services Administration, and Sociology it’s evident Dr. Mattis is passionate about the well-being of mankind. She is focused and determined to heal the minds of GOD’s people by way of His Word. Dr. Mattis’ love for GOD nourishes her mission to heal the mind of the destitute. She gears her attention heavily on disadvantaged children, the elderly, and the homeless. Ushering in the Light of GOD into the dark places in the minds of those she encounters while winning numerous souls for GOD’s Kingdom by preaching the gospel and professing the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is her life goal.
Spearheading the 30 Days of Gratitude Use Your Words to Change Your Life Movement is Dr. Mattis’ latest undertaking. Movements such as: the United Nation’s International Day of Peace (an initiative focusing on combating gang violence within her community), N.A.C.I. – Never Alone Care Initiative (an initiative providing toiletries to the less fortunate), and OFP – Our Father’s Pot (a monthly gathering where adults discuss pressing matters), are some additional undertakings she’s founded. Dr. Sophia Mattis’ love for GOD, His people, evangelism, healing, teaching, and philanthropy, motivates her to minister the Word of GOD worldwide. She attributes her knowledge of the Word to the Holy Spirit’s teaching and leading.